Telangana has a rich history that dates back to ancient times. It was mentioned in the Mahabharata as the Telinga Kingdom, inhabited by the Telavana tribe who fought on the side of the Pandavas in the epic war. Over the centuries, the region has been ruled by various dynasties, including the Sathavahanas, Chalukyas, Kakatiyas, Mughals, and Qutubshahis.

The Kakatiya dynasty, the first Telugu-speaking rulers of the Deccan Plateau, had their capital initially at Hanumakonda and later at Warangal. Notable rulers among them include Ganapathi Deva, Rudra Deva (Rani Rudrama Devi), and Prathapa Rudra. The name Hanumakonda is said to have originated from the times of Ramayana, where Lord Rama met Hanuman.

In the early 18th century, as the Mughal Empire began to disintegrate, the Muslim Asafjahi dynasty established Hyderabad as a separate state. Hyderabad later entered into a treaty of subsidiary alliance with the British Empire but was never under direct British rule, unlike the Coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema regions.The History of Telangana: From Indian Independence

Historical Background

Integration into Andhra Pradesh

After India gained independence in 1947, the princely state of Hyderabad, which included Telangana, sought to remain independent. However, Operation Polo by the Indian Army in 1948 led to the annexation of Hyderabad into the Indian Union. Initially, Telangana was a separate state, but in 1956, it was merged with the Andhra State to form Andhra Pradesh, despite significant opposition.

Linguistic and Cultural Differences

The merger led to widespread discontent among the people of Telangana, who felt marginalized due to linguistic and cultural differences. The people of Telangana primarily spoke Telugu with a different dialect and had distinct cultural practices compared to the Coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema regions.

Post-Independence - The Struggle for Identity

The Spark Before the Fire

The year was 1969, a mere 13 years after the controversial merger of Telangana with Andhra Pradesh. The people of Telangana had grown increasingly disillusioned. Promises of equitable distribution of resources and jobs had fallen flat. The region was treated as a colony by the more prosperous Coastal Andhra, its resources exploited and its people marginalized. It was a simmering volcano, waiting for a spark to erupt.

The Student Uprising - The Torchbearers of Revolution

The spark came in the form of a student movement. Students from Osmania University in Hyderabad took to the streets, demanding jobs and educational opportunities. Their peaceful protests were met with police brutality, but the young revolutionaries were undeterred. The student movement soon snowballed into a mass agitation, transcending age, caste, and class. The slogan "Jai Telangana" reverberated through the streets, capturing the collective sentiment of an oppressed people.

The Martyrs - The Price of Freedom

As the agitation gained momentum, the government's response grew increasingly violent. On January 24, 1969, a young student named Ravindranath became the first martyr, shot dead by the police during a protest. His death ignited a fire that no force could quell. Over 300 people, mostly young students, would lay down their lives for the cause, their sacrifices becoming the rallying cry for a movement that would shake the foundations of Andhra Pradesh.

The 1969 Agitation-A Revolutionary Saga of Struggle, Sacrifice, and Awakening

The Mass Mobilization - A Sea of Humanity

The agitation was no longer confined to Hyderabad or to students. Farmers, laborers, housewives, and even children joined the movement. Massive rallies were organized, drawing hundreds of thousands of people. Intellectuals, poets, and artists lent their voice, adding depth and dimension to the struggle. Songs of revolution were penned, inspiring a new generation of activists. It was a sea of humanity, united in their quest for justice.

Political Maneuvering - The Dance of Democracy

The political landscape was in turmoil. Chief Minister Brahmananda Reddy was under immense pressure, both from within his party and from the public. Opposition parties sensed an opportunity, aligning themselves with the movement to gain political mileage. Promises were made, committees were formed, and negotiations were initiated. But the people had lost faith in political rhetoric; they wanted action.

A Dream Deferred

Despite the overwhelming public sentiment, the 1969 agitation did not lead to the immediate formation of a separate Telangana state. Political compromises and electoral politics took precedence over the will of the people. The movement eventually lost steam, but it left an indelible mark on the psyche of the Telangana populace. It sowed the seeds for future agitations, keeping the dream of a separate state alive in the collective consciousness.

The Legacy Lives On

Though the 1969 agitation did not achieve its ultimate goal, it was far from a failure. It awakened a sense of identity among the people of Telangana, a sense of pride in their culture and history. It exposed the systemic injustices perpetrated against them and laid the groundwork for future movements. Most importantly, it gave birth to a generation of leaders and activists who would, decades later, realize the dream that was conceived in 1969.

The 1969 Telangana Agitation was not just a chapter in a history book; it was a revolutionary saga written in the blood and sweat of its martyrs, a saga that will be told and retold for generations to come.

Political Developments

Over the years, various political parties, including the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) and the Congress, promised separate statehood for Telangana but failed to deliver. The issue remained a political hot potato, with parties using it to gain electoral advantage but doing little to address it substantively.

A Lone Warrior's Quest

In the early 2000s, the political landscape of Andhra Pradesh was a simmering cauldron of discontent, especially in the Telangana region. The people felt marginalized, their voices stifled, and their identity overshadowed by the larger Andhra narrative. Enter K. Chandrashekar Rao, popularly known as KCR—a charismatic leader with a vision. He was a man who had tasted the bitter pill of political betrayal, having been part of parties that promised Telangana its rightful statehood but never delivered.

One fateful day in 2001, KCR stood before a mirror, contemplating the crossroads he was at. It was a moment of reckoning. With a steely resolve, he made a decision that would alter the course of history. He would form a new political party, a party that would be the voice of Telangana, a party that would fight for its people until their dream was realized.

The Birth of Telangana Rastra Samithi

Shri Kalvakuntla Chandrasekhar Rao (KCR) announced the formation of the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) amidst a sea of supporters who had gathered, their eyes filled with hope and hearts pounding with anticipation. The air was electric, the energy palpable. As KCR unfurled the party flag—a vibrant pink symbolizing purity and the spirit of Telangana—the crowd erupted in cheers. It was as if the Phoenix had risen from the ashes, ready to soar.

2001 Onwards: The Resurgence of the Telangana Movement

The Rise of the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS): A Tale of Aspiration, Rebellion, and Triumph

The Struggle - Against All Odds

The journey was anything but smooth. The TRS faced opposition from all quarters—political adversaries, media skeptics, and even naysayers within the community. KCR was often ridiculed, his mission dismissed as a pipe dream. But like a true warrior, he soldiered on, undeterred. He mobilized the masses, ignited student movements, and even undertook a fast unto death, putting his life on the line for the cause he so passionately believed in.

The Alliance and The Betrayal

In a strategic move, the TRS formed alliances with national parties, hoping to push the Telangana agenda on the national stage. But each time, they were met with betrayal. Promises were made and broken, agreements were drafted and discarded. It was a cycle of hope and despair, but KCR's resolve never wavered. And so, the saga continues, but one thing is certain—the tale of the TRS is one of aspiration, rebellion, and triumph, a tale that will be told for generations to come.

2009 Declaration

In 2009, then Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram announced that the Indian government would start the process for the formation of Telangana State. However, due to political complexities, the decision was put on hold, leading to intensified protests and agitations.

In the annals of Telangana's history, December 16, 2010, stands as a monumental day. On this day, the Telangana Chambers of Commerce and Industry (TECCI) was born, not merely as an organization but as a vision, a mission, and a promise. A promise to elevate Telangana to unparalleled heights in trade, commerce, industry, and agriculture. A mission to be the driving force behind the state's economic renaissance. A vision to see Telangana not just as a state but as a powerhouse on India's industrial map.

TECCI was not just a spectator in the formation of Telangana; it was an active participant, a catalyst. It submitted reports to the Sri Krishna Committee, advocating passionately for the state's formation. It didn't stop there. TECCI took the initiative to educate and create awareness, to mobilize public opinion, and to make the dream of Telangana a collective aspiration.

But what truly sets TECCI apart is its unwavering commitment to collaboration. It recognizes that the journey to greatness is not a solo endeavor but a collective effort. This spirit of unity is evident in its gratitude towards government officials and industrialists who have been pillars of support. Through meetings, seminars, and round-table conferences, TECCI has fostered an environment of intellectual exchange and mutual growth.

So, let TECCI's story inspire you. Let it remind you that when vision, mission, and promise come together, miracles happen. Let it serve as a testament to what can be achieved when we dare to dream, and dare to act. As Telangana continues to soar, let us remember that behind its success is the tireless dedication of organizations like TECCI, who saw not just what was, but what could be. Telangana doesn't just have an organization; it has a champion. And as long as champions exist, the future is not just bright; it's dazzling.

The Formation of Telangana Chambers of Commerce and Industry

A Beacon of Progress and Catalyst for Change

Passage of the Bill

Finally, the moment of truth arrived. In February 2014, the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act was passed. As the news broke, KCR stood on a makeshift stage in Hyderabad, tears of joy streaming down his face. He looked at the sea of people before him—their faces glowing in the light of a thousand candles, their eyes mirroring his own tears of joy. The dream had been realized; Telangana was to be a separate state.

Governance and Administration

Under the leadership of our Honourable Chief Minister Shri KCR, the government focused on governance reforms, including the digitization of services and administrative decentralization. New districts were created for better administration, taking the total number of districts to 33.

Economic Growth

Telangana has shown remarkable economic growth, with its contribution to India's GDP increasing by 72%. The state has become a hub for IT, pharma, and manufacturing industries. Hyderabad, the capital city, has attracted global giants like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Uber, Qualcomm, Apple Novartis and many.

Infrastructure Development

Significant investments have been made in infrastructure, including roadways, metro rail, and irrigation projects. The Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Project is one of the most ambitious irrigation projects in India, aimed at solving the water scarcity issue in the region.

Social Welfare Schemes

The government has launched various welfare schemes like Rythu Bandhu, aimed at providing financial assistance to farmers, and KCR Kits, aimed at improving maternal and child health.

The Legacy

Until 2023, the TRS Government stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of Telangana and its people. Under H’ble Chief Minister Shri KCR leadership, the state has made remarkable strides in various sectors, from agriculture to IT. But the journey is far from over. As our Chief Minister often says, "The struggle was for self-respect, the goal is self-sufficiency."

Visionary Governance Under Shri Revanth Reddy Garu

Dynamic and aggressive in Telangana's development, our current Chief Minister Shri Revanth has continued to propel the state forward with his visionary leadership. Known for his proactive approach, he has championed initiatives to enhance infrastructure, boost economic sectors like IT and pharma, and strengthen social welfare schemes. His tenure has seen a renewed focus on sustainable growth and inclusive development, reflecting his commitment to transforming Telangana into a model state for the nation. With his dynamic leadership, Telangana continues to stride confidently towards a prosperous future under his stewardship.

2014 to Present: The Era of Development and Achievements